Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory

University of  Ioannina - Department of Physics

Constantine Kosmidis

Current research interests and activities


· Study of the interaction of strong and/or short laser pulses with molecules and molecular clusters (multi-electron dissociative ionization, molecular alignment/orientation and molecular dynamics).

· High order harmonic generation and applications 

· Development of analytical laser based techniques

· Thin film development by pulsed laser deposition.



Research experience / experimental techniques


· Ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy

· Resonant multiphoton ionization spectroscopy in static and supersonic jets

· Raman spectroscopy

· Laser induced fluorescence

· Mass spectrometry

· Laser ablation

· Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI)

· Pump/probe fs spectroscopy     



Detailed CV (pdf)

Professor, Scientific Director of the Central Laser Facility, University of Ioannina


Division of Atomic and Molecular Physics,

Department of Physics, University of Ioannina 

GR 45110, Ioannina , Greece


Tel:  + 3026510-08537

Fax: + 3026510-08695

Office: Ö3-411â
